Welcome to Complete Calm Massage Therapy!
Hello, I’m Fiona, and I’m the massage therapist behind Complete Calm. My speciality is helping women with painful backs, necks and shoulders. I do this in a way that is relaxing, yet effective. Those painful knots are eased out with a variety of techniques (for example maybe some deep tissue, maybe trigger point therapy, stretches, hot stones, myofascial work) but the whole experience is deeply soothing. I basically want to take the effective techniques that you may have tried in a sports massage but turn the treatment in to a zen-like experience. Chances are, you’ll drift off into that wonderful massage zone, half awake, half asleep.
I’ve been doing this for quite a while now, I qualified in July 2014, then Complete Calm officially launched in July 2015. And over the years I’ve done loads more training, so you’re in safe hands!
Hell yes, I need this now! – book here
Please do give me a call to chat about how I can help ease tight necks and shoulders, achy lower backs and other chronic pain conditions
Clinical and holistic massage therapy for women with chronic pain conditions. I’m based in a tranquil treatment studio on the top floor of my home in central Harrogate.

Very thorough assessment and the therapist really listened to my needs. A wonderfully relaxing and effective massage. Would definitely recommend.